
Deleted Scene – Improved-Libby has Issues

Deleted Scene – Improved-Libby has Issues 

(This scene originally appeared right after Jesse’s father turns up at school and confronts Gordon the Gorgon. It’s all Mallory, of course, but it makes Libby look pretty irredeemable as a person, because at this point we have no idea it’s not her anymore. Also cut for pacing reasons.) “Don’t worry. Some cat meme will […]

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Hollowgirl/Fall progress = 25%

Hollowgirl/Fall progress = 25% 

That is all.  

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Deleted Scene – Zep is a Bit of a Sleaze

Deleted Scene – Zep is a Bit of a Sleaze 

(In early drafts, Clair contacted Zep while she’s in class on the first day, and he comes to meet her. This was once the first time we met him. He has some good lines but he doesn’t come out of it well.) Her tea was still hot when Zep arrived. He was the very model […]

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New Story: “The Cuckoo” + Other Shiny Things

New Story: “The Cuckoo” + Other Shiny Things 

April being April, what could be better than a story about The Fool? Thanks to Clarkesworld for publishing “The Cuckoo”, a Twinmaker story about yet another threat to everything we hold dear. D-mat is a powerful and dangerous tool, and so are memes. Put the two together at your own peril. Here’s the opening: April […]

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