
Guest Post on io9: “The Tragic Demise of Science Fiction’s Greatest Idea”

Guest Post on io9: “The Tragic Demise of Science Fiction’s Greatest Idea” 

In which I espouse my theory that matter transmitters are awesome – of course! Here’s a glimpse: “The first attempts on the life of the matter transmitter were made in the 1930s, thanks to the film serials Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. The trope survived, but it was only a delay […]

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Hashtag TwinmakerIQ

Hashtag TwinmakerIQ 

Following on from Hashtag Twinmaker, here are the tweets from “I, Q” that rolled out recently. You may have noticed that the Hashtag Crashland project has already begun, with the epigraph trickling out line by line over the last eight days. The opening line is scheduled for tomorrow. Enjoy! In the beginning were the Words. […]

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Crashland imminent!

Crashland imminent! 

It’s been a great week for mail. Advance copies of all three editions of Crash/Crashland (US, UK, and Australian) arrived in consecutive days, and I am made rudely aware that the release date is almost upon us. I’ve been waiting for this so long it didn’t seem entirely real. But soon it will be, and […]

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Crashland prequel exclusive to newsletter

Crashland prequel exclusive to newsletter 

I’m starting a newsletter! It’s going to cover all aspects of my career and interests, not just Twinmaker, but to kick things off I’m including an exclusive new story that happens to be a prequel to Crashland. It’s called “Wolf’s Clothing”. If you’re interested, sign up here and it will land in your inbox next […]

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