
The Art of the Modern Remix

The Art of the Modern Remix 

Fitting right in with the theme of remixing that runs through the Twinmaker series, here are all six covers (both books from three territories) transformed into modern art by this wonderful site. See if you can guess which is which! Happy Halloween! (Reminder: Twinmaker is still available in the US price at the amazing price […]

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New Story: “Tailgate Fume” + reading

New Story: “Tailgate Fume” + reading 

Here’s another story set in the Twinmaker universe, written to celebrate the release of CRASH (now out in Australia). Thanks to Thomas Wilson and everyone at Seizure for publishing “Tailgate Fume” as part of their Flashers series. I’m very excited that it found such a wonderful home. Now, ordinarily I’d post a selection from the […]

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CRASH released + two new stories!

CRASH released + two new stories! 

Crash (Twinmaker 2 in Australia) is out! You can buy it in stores or online right now. I won’t link to any particular vendor because you know where you like to buy books. Now’s your chance to find out what happened after the explosive ending of book one, and to see what happens next. This […]

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Crashland – first reviews

Crashland – first reviews 

They’re good so far, touchwood! (Not that I’m superstitious or anything. Force of habit.) Booklist loved Twinmaker so I was eager to see what they said about the sequel. They didn’t let me down (warning: spoilers for Twinmaker): Williams brings back the girl who broke the world and gives her a whole new set of […]

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