
Blog Tour: Fiction Fascination

In which I rant about the beauty myth and how it relates to Twinmaker: “Now, I’ve got nothing against beautiful people. Some of my best friends are beautiful people. I’m not a beautiful person, but that’s okay. I can live with it–as long as someone isn’t shoving the message down my throat that if I’m […]

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Thanks, Amber of Mile Long Bookshelf for first featuring this story. Did you hear the one about the haunted d-mat booth? It was in China, I think. There was this girl, and she was gay. Her parents didn’t like it, so she was planning to run away with her girlfriend and start a new life […]

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Blog Tour: Novels on the Run

Michelle Auricht at Novels on the Run is the latest to kindly feature Twinmaker: Jump on her blog, with an interview, a review, and a mini-glossary. “It might be a bit creepy if I had a book girlfriend from a YA novel because she’d be less than half my age! But when I was a […]

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Blog Tour: Big Book Little Book

Blog Tour: Big Book Little Book 

“Imagine a machine that can move you from place to place. Not a plane or a car, but a booth you step into. You tell the machine where you want to go. It takes you there. To you, it seems like no time at all has passed. To everyone else, maybe a minute or two. […]

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