
Deleted Scene – Dylan Linwood Bites the Dust, Again

Deleted Scene – Dylan Linwood Bites the Dust, Again 

(Clair and Jesse are chasing the dupe Clair didn’t shoot in the last deleted scene. They’re heading to a rendezvous that was deleted in later drafts.) “He’s turning.” She couldn’t see the actual bike in the darkness ahead and she couldn’t hear it over the shrieking of the motors beneath her, but the red dot […]

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Deleted Scene – Clair is not a Killer

Deleted Scene – Clair is not a Killer 

(The entire sequence from the safe-house to the Skylifter was heavily edited, line by line, to keep it pacy. This is one scene that got left behind. Our heroes are fleeing across the Californian countryside when they have to face a difficult choice.) Clair kicked out with her chin. “Someone’s coming after us,” she told […]

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New Story – “The Tyranny of Distance”

New Story – “The Tyranny of Distance” 

A personal favorite of mine, this story in the latest SQ Mag features my favourite place in South Australia (sorry, residents of and relatives in Cowell), Dylan Linwood’s ex-girlfriend, and a dedication to a much-loved friend. It’s set at the very end of Twinmaker and explores the impact of those events on ordinary (and some […]

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Deleted Scene – Gemma Gets High

Deleted Scene – Gemma Gets High 

(This short scene was one I found very hard to cut. I always pictured Gemma as a bit of a testy hippy in early drafts. Here, in Escalon, she mellows out with Clair and Jesse’s help.) Theo took Cashile around the front of the theater. Clair hadn’t been given instructions, so she followed Gemma and […]

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