
New Story: “Lust, Entrapment & the Matter Transmitter”

In-Your-Face-coverIn Your Face is the controversial new anthology from Fablecroft, featuring stories by Cat Sparks, Angela Slatter, Alan Baxter, and many more. It also contains a short but disturbing story by me set in the Twinmaker universe, called “Lust, Entrapment & the Matter Transmitter: A Case Study”. I’ve written about it here before. My desire to explore the idea of age as an affectation rather than an affliction is unchecked by this distasteful little nugget.

Here’s a great line from the review in Aurealis (which singled out my story as one of several standouts):

“In Your Face is a truly rewarding and affecting experience that challenges the essence of what it means to be human, now and in the future.”

Go get it. Enjoy it. Or not! Art is intended to elicit a passionate response. In Your Face is guaranteed to do that.

Here’s an excerpt:

From introduction to departure took exactly forty-seven minutes, in which time a complex dance involving hidden agendas and surprise attacks took place. On the surface, this dance may have seemed dangerous and regrettable, albeit nothing out of the ordinary. The true nature of the engagement only became obvious once d-mat came into play a second time.

 Around this time, d-mat’s original advertising slogan (“The safest way to travel.”) was permanently abandoned.

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