
Browsing all articles in Sober living.

Rap Culture’s Evolution from Glorifying to Decrying Drug Use

Explore the impact of alcohol misuse and discover resources for support. He stressed that it’s important for rappers to study what’s going on in hip-hop, and that it would foolish for him to ignore what some of the best rappers out are doing. Early in his career, he said him and some friends frequently went […]

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Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: Outpatient Management

Withdrawal seizures can occur in patients within just a few hours of alcohol cessation. The spectrum of alcohol withdrawal ranges from a mild physiologic response to seizures and death. More severe responses are seen in patients with prior episodes of withdrawal, a phenomenon known as “kindling” [26], or other underlying acute conditions. Chronic alcohol use […]

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Relapse, Relapse Prevention SpringerLink

One critical goal will be to integrate empirically supported substance use interventions in the context of continuing care models of treatment delivery, which in many cases requires adapting existing treatments to facilitate sustained delivery [140]. Given its focus on long-term maintenance of treatment gains, RP is a behavioral intervention that is particularly well suited for […]

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