
Browsing all articles by Sean Williams.

Deleted Scene – Jesse is Grouchy in the Morning

Deleted Scene – Jesse is Grouchy in the Morning 

(This scene took place on Clair’s original walk to school, where she planned to confront Libby about using Improvement. Instead she ends up confronting Jesse, not knowing that today is the anniversary of his mother’s death.) The crowd was becoming louder. An eye-in-the-sky drone was watching, in case things turned ugly. No one liked being […]

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Deleted Scenes – The Beginning(s)

Deleted Scenes – The Beginning(s) 

Twinmaker went through a lot of drafts. I have nineteen different files stashed away, plus three different openings, three different endings, and numerous alternate takes on individual chapters. Characters came and went, names changed, themes rose to the surface or were trimmed back . . . yet somehow, through it all, the book stayed the […]

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Coming Up

Coming Up 

In the weeks ahead I’m going to be concentrating on two things: writing Hollowgirl (aka Fall) and touring Spirit Animals 3: Blood Ties and Troubletwisters 4: The Missing (aka Missing, Presumed Evil) with Garth Nix. I’ll also be editing the final pages of Crashland/Crash, when they come through. But that doesn’t mean this site will […]

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“The Hole”

“The Hole” 

Trigger warning: suicide. (Some would argue that every d-mat story is triggering . . .) People commit suicide using d-mat all the time. Or at least, they try to. In theory it should be easy: just step into a booth and send yourself nowhere. But what does “nowhere” mean? Data doesn’t vanish just because it […]

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