
Browsing all articles by Sean Williams.

New Story: “The Ghost of What Might Have Been”

New Story: “The Ghost of What Might Have Been” 

The Humble Bookperk Bundle is up to thirteen books now, including Twinmaker. Time is running out to get them DRM-free and support charity in the process! Here’s a new urban myth set in the same universe to mark the closing days of the deal. If you like this, there are many more, and of course […]

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“Go”, as read by yours truly

“Go”, as read by yours truly 

To celebrate the Humble Bookperk Bundle (ten plus books, including Twinmaker! DRM free! charity! bonus copy of Metal Fatigue!) and my new toy (a beautiful RØDE podcaster, pictured below) here’s a recording of me reading the very first Twinmaker urban myth, a version of the traditional body-horror matter-transmitter yarn (that you can read the full […]

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“I, Q” ebook – cover reveal

“I, Q” ebook – cover reveal 

The Twinmaker tie-in e-book “I, Q”, which tells the story of the novel from the point of view of Q, comes out next week (September 1st, from the good people at Allen & Unwin) and the cover is now live! Isn’t that a beauty? Here’s the blurb: I was not I at all before the […]

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Humble Bundle: Twinmaker!

Humble Bundle: Twinmaker! 

I am very excited to announce that Twinmaker is part of the HarperCollins Humble Bookperk Bundle that went live today. Not only that, but it’s the only YA title in a stellar spread that includes books by such luminaries as Neil Gaiman, Lois McMaster Bujold, Joe Nassise, and many others. This is such an incredible […]

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