
Browsing all articles by Sean Williams.

“I,Q” outtake #3

“I,Q” outtake #3 

(In 2012 I rewrote Twinmaker: Jump from Q’s completely different perspective, giving me new insights into her character in the process. “I, Q” is a slimmed-down version of that unpublished ms. This is one of a few fun scenes that fell by the wayside.) “I, Q” outtake #3 – Outside the Cage (equivalent to Twinmaker: […]

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“I,Q” outtake #2

(In 2012 I rewrote Twinmaker: Jump from Q’s completely different perspective, giving me new insights into her character in the process. “I, Q” is a slimmed-down version of that unpublished ms. This is one of a few fun scenes that fell by the wayside.) “I, Q” outtake #2 – Clair in Danger (equivalent to Twinmaker: […]

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“I,Q” + outtake #1

“I,Q” + outtake #1 

In 2012 I rewrote Twinmaker: Jump from Q’s completely different perspective, giving me new insights into her character in the process. That manuscript, “Making and Remaking Iteration 113”, ran to a little under 70,000 words, one third shorter than the original novel. “I, Q”, in turn, is a radically slimmed-down version of that unpublished ms, […]

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Hashtag Twinmaker

Hashtag Twinmaker 

(Note: The Humble Bookperk Bundle is still available for a short time only! More than ten books, including Twinmaker, DRM-free, benefits going to charity. Don’t miss out! And for anyone disadvantaged by rights issues, my offer of a free copy of my first novel still stands.) “What now?” asks Jesse at the end of Twinmaker. […]

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